Friday, January 2, 2009.

Blogged @ 5:34 AM
WEEK VIII Today is the day that we're going to present all the ideas that we manage to produce throughout these weeks. After all the consultations we had with Mr Razi, we finally managed to come out with the solutions to our problem.
Let me show you our progress step by step.
1. We decide to use 'How to avoid kids from going to dangerous place?"
2. Came out with mind map from our research.
3. Pick up an image and random words to get the ideas and from there we only need to choose 5 best solutions.
4. Pick up the 5 best solutions.
Here are the solutions that we came out with.

Blogged @ 5:05 AM
This week, we got the chances to have the consultation regarding our group project personally with Mr Razi. We showed him the mind map that we already did and he asked us to continue with our next step.

Our problem : How to avoid kids from going to dangerous place?
Random image: Police/Patrol Car
Blogged @ 4:37 AM
WEEK IV (wednesday)We came out with a mindmap discussing about our topic. We've done some research on the internet and we simplify and conclude it inside our mindmap.
Blogged @ 4:15 AM
WEEK V (wednesday)
We've been given a group task last week. Each group need to think of a problem. Any problem. At first, we thought that this is just a simple task; just simply pick any problem and present it to them.
So we came out with a problem.
How to lose kgs by eating junk food?
Simple isn't it?
So we heading to class thinking that Mr Razi and Ms Helena will accept out problem.
Then, when we presented our problem to them, Mr Razi was like 'huh?'
At that moment, we knew that our problem is not cool as what we think.
So we came out with various ideas of problem..
- 1.Why are the numbers on a calculator reversed?
- 2. What does OK actually means?
- 3. What should one call a male ladybird?
- 4. What is the speed of dark?
- 5. If your vacuum cleaner really sucks, is it a bad thing?
BUT.. all of it were rejected..
Then, Ms Helena suddenly gave us a problem that was so simple.
That was everyone's problem but we never thought of it!
So we decide straight away to us that problem as our topic for the group project :)
Blogged @ 3:56 AM
WEEK IV (monday)Today, Mr Razi wasn't around, so Ms Helena just give us a booklet to exercise our thinking.
WEEK IV (wednesday)YeaY! MR RAZI's back!!
today, he introduced us to another lesson that required us to exercise our mind. He thought us about random word or image association and how from only one word or one image, it can lead us to another situation.
Ok, i know some you might be confuse right now.Let's pick an image; a DURIAN and we try to exercise our mind from there.
If we heard the word durian, or see a durian, a lot of ideas can we get from it.
thorny, green, stinks, heavy, big and many more.
Now let's go to the exercise that require us to design or propose the "idea" or image or object that create/instill fear to human being.
Now let's use what we got from the DURIAN to create or instill fear to human being.
Once you eat the durian, pimples will grow all over your face just like a thorny durian.
The color of your tongue will change into green when you eat durian. scary huh?
Your breath will produce an describable and disgusting smell after you eat the durian.
After at about 10 minutes you eat the durian, your body will gain 10kgs of weight.
You tummy will become enormous until your can't barely see your feet after you eat the durian.
Blogged @ 3:00 AM
Thursday, January 1, 2009.
WEEK III (monday)For this week exercise, we had given a set of words with each words have its own number.
here are the steps of the exercise.

A. Choose randomly any two numbers from 01 to 99
B. From the number that we've already choose, we need to match it with the words
(eg: 77-Dog Tree 12-Flower Rock)
C. Create a sentence by using those words.
D. Then, draw an image from the sentences that we've created earlier.
let's see how creative can i be :p
Dog TreeThe dog loves to sleep underneath the tree
Flower RockThe flower is made from the rock

E. No, we're not finished yet, the final step required us to draw an image that when people see the image, they will straight away think about the combined words.

WEEK III (wednesday)Class activity- analogy exercise

LOVE is like a wide blue sky
Different view each day
Sometimes it's a bright sunny day
but someday can be gloomy and rainy day

LOVE is like an ice cream
Satisfy your hunger and needs
But if you get too much of it
You can get SICK!

LOVE is money
can make you blind and greedy
Fight and war happen because of money

LOVE is just like time
There's no turning back
Don't waste the time when one love is over
There will always be another love

When LOVE is end and over
We often throw it just like a garbage
Without even realize it what we throw away
is something that is very precious and true
Blogged @ 10:17 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008.
WEEK II (monday)Today, we learn about
Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.
Class activity:
We need to create an image of a public figure
Who are Larry Page and Sergey Brin?

Larry Page and his business partner Sergey Brin changed the way most people use the internet. The pair starter the Google search engine while working on their PHDs. They initially had no plan to start a business, but were simply doing research for their PHD. Google quickly went from a research project of two Stanford student to being one of the most visited websites on the Internet.
Just to share with all of you, here are pictures that show the environment of Google office. Pretty cool is it? With this kind of working environment, everybody will enjoy their times in the office.

WEEK II(wednesday)
The Mind Map is an expression of Radiant Thinking and is therefore a natural function of the human mind. It is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlocking the potential of the brain. The Mind Map can be applied to every aspect of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance. The Mind Map has four essential characteristics:
- The subject of attention is crystallised in a central image
- The main themes of the subject radiate from the central image on branches
- Branches hold a key image/word printed on the associated line - details radiate out
- The branches form a connected nodal structure

Blogged @ 9:56 PM